Chamber’s policy program far-reaching in creating a strong local economy

The North Clackamas County Chamber of Commerce exists to create a strong local economy, and is concerned about outcomes that affect those who work, live, anddo business in or with North ClackamasCounty. This year, with sponsor support from a number of member businesses, the Chamber is accomplishing a far-reaching agenda in the legislative and economic development area. The efforts are especially supported by our Vision Sponsors.
Presenting Vision Sponsors are:
Joing our Presenting Sponsors are Sustaining Vision Sponsors Cranston Machinery, Union Pacific Railroad, Oak Lodge Water District and Western Advocates.
The Chamber’s public policy programs include the following:
- Review and considerations of positions on legislative matters
- Candidate endorsements
- Active business growth and retention resulting in additional local jobs
- Involvement in area-wide business efforts
- A strong program in business issues awareness
- Continued advocacy for business issues at the county, regional, state and federal levels
- Assistance to each of our communities with economic development needs

Our lobbying efforts and involvement in a number of business areas help promote and advocate for an environment that empowers businesses to build, maintain and compete. The Chamber studies, researches and provides resources that help our members adopt positions and consider recommendations that support a strong local economy.