Metro’s Regional Active Transportation Plan

Active transportation refers to non-motorized transportation modes, such as bicycling and walking, that are well integrated with public transportation. People are more active when they ride a bike, walk or take public transportation.

Metro is working with regional partners to increase the region’s effectiveness in development and secure funding for the region’s network of on-street and off-street bikeways and walkways integrated with transit and supported by educational programs.

The Active Transportation Program was developed to implement the recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Committee for Trails.

The Intertwine

Active transportation is part of The Intertwine, the region’s network of trails, parks and natural areas. Trails and greenways can provide seamless, green and safe experiences for riding a bike or walking, making them an important part of the active transportation network.

A regional plan for active transportation

The region is getting to work on a strategy to increase walking, bicycling and using public transportation. The plan will engage the public and partners across the region to identify the region’s principal active transportation network.

Opt-In poll for active transportation

Metro recently conducted an Opt-In poll on active transportation. This poll provides information on needs and priorities for the region.